#abc358f. F - Easiest Maze

F - Easiest Maze

Score : 525525 points


Snuke计划在AtCoder Land建造一个新的迷宫景点。迷宫由一个NNMM列的网格表示,右上角单元格的上边缘是入口,右下角单元格的下边缘是出口。他将通过在相邻单元格之间适当放置墙壁来创建迷宫。




有一个NNMM列的网格。让(i,j)(i, j)表示从顶部数第ii行,从左侧数第jj列的单元格。对于每一对相邻的单元格,你可以决定是否在它们之间放置一堵墙。确定是否可以放置墙壁以满足以下条件,如果可能,构建一个这样的放置。

考虑一个有NMNM个顶点的无向图GGGG的每个顶点都由一对整数(i,j) (1iN,1jM)(i,j)\ (1\leq i\leq N, 1\leq j\leq M)唯一标记。如果i1i2+j1j2=1|i_1-i_2|+|j_1-j_2|=1并且网格上相应的单元格(i1,j1)(i_1,j_1)(i2,j2)(i_2,j_2)之间没有墙壁,则两个不同的顶点(i1,j1)(i_1,j_1)(i2,j2)(i_2,j_2)通过一条边连接。


以上为大语言模型 kimi 翻译,仅供参考。

Problem Statement

Snuke is planning to build a maze as a new attraction in AtCoder Land. The maze is represented as a grid with NN rows and MM columns, with the top edge of the top-right cell being the entrance and the bottom edge of the bottom-right cell being the exit. He will create the maze by appropriately placing walls between adjacent cells.

He loves simple mazes, so he wants the path from the entrance to the exit to pass through exactly KK cells without any branches. Determine if it is possible to create such a maze, and if possible, construct one.

For example, in the following figure, N=3N=3 and M=3M=3, and walls are placed at the solid lines (walls are always placed around the outer perimeter except for the entrance and exit). In this case, the path from the entrance to the exit passes through exactly 77 cells without any branches.

Below is a formal statement.

There is a grid with NN rows and MM columns. Let (i,j)(i, j) denote the cell at the ii-th row from the top and jj-th column from the left. For each pair of side-adjacent cells, you can decide whether to place a wall between them. Determine whether it is possible to place walls to satisfy the following condition, and if it is possible, construct one such placement.

Consider an undirected graph GG with NMNM vertices. Each vertex of GG is uniquely labeled by a pair of integers (i,j) (1iN,1jM)(i,j)\ (1\leq i\leq N, 1\leq j\leq M). Two distinct vertices (i1,j1)(i_1,j_1) and (i2,j2)(i_2,j_2) are connected by an edge if and only if i1i2+j1j2=1|i_1-i_2|+|j_1-j_2|=1 and there is no wall between the corresponding cells (i1,j1)(i_1,j_1) and (i2,j2)(i_2,j_2) on the grid.

Condition: there exists a simple path with KK vertices that connects the two vertices (1,M)(1,M) and (N,M)(N,M), and the connected component containing the vertices (1,M)(1,M) and (N,M)(N,M) consists only of this path.


  • 2N1002\leq N \leq 100
  • 1M1001\leq M \leq 100
  • 1KNM1\leq K\leq NM
  • All input values are integers.


The input is given from Standard Input in the following format:



If there is no placement of walls that satisfies the condition, print No. Otherwise, print one such placement in the following format. If multiple valid placements exist, any of them can be printed.

See also the sample outputs below to better understand the complicated output format.


+++++ \dots +++S+

+o?o? \dots ?o?o+

+?+?+ \dots +?+?+

+o?o? \dots ?o?o+

+?+?+ \dots +?+?+


+o?o? \dots ?o?o+

+?+?+ \dots +?+?+

+o?o? \dots ?o?o+

+++++ \dots +++G+

Here, S, G, +, and o represent the entrance, exit, a wall, and a cell, respectively, and ? between cells represents a position where a wall can be placed. Replace ? between two horizontally adjacent cells with | if a wall is placed, and . otherwise. Replace ? between two vertically adjacent cells with - if a wall is placed, and . otherwise.

Below is a formal instruction.

  • The output should consist of 2N+22N+2 lines. Line 11 should contain the string Yes, and lines 22 to 2N+22N+2 should contain strings of length 2M+12M+1 as described below.

    • Line 22 should be a concatenation of + repeated 2M12M-1 times, S, and +, in this order.

    • Line 1+2i1+2i (1iN)(1\leq i\leq N) should be a concatenation of +, o, ci,1c_{i,1}, o, ci,2c_{i,2}, \dots, ci,M1c_{i,M-1}, o, +, in this order. Here, ci,jc_{i,j} is | if a wall is placed between cells (i,j)(i,j) and (i,j+1)(i,j+1), and . otherwise.

    • Line 2+2i2+2i (1iN1)(1\leq i\leq N-1) should be a concatenation of +, ri,1r_{i,1}, +, ri,2r_{i,2}, +, \dots, +, ri,Mr_{i,M}, +, in this order. Here, ri,jr_{i,j} is - if a wall is placed between cells (i,j)(i,j) and (i+1,j)(i+1,j), and . otherwise.

    • Line 2N+22N+2 should be a concatenation of + repeated 2M12M-1 times, G, and +, in this order.

Sample Input 1

3 3 7

Sample Output 1


This is the same placement of walls as in the figure in the problem statement.

Sample Input 2

3 3 2

Sample Output 2


Sample Input 3

4 1 4

Sample Output 3
