#abc351d. D - Grid and Magnet

D - Grid and Magnet

Score: 425425 points


有一个 HHWW 列的网格。一些单元格(可能是零个)包含磁铁。 网格的状态由 HH 个长度为 WW 的字符串 S1,S2,,SHS_1, S_2, \ldots, S_H 表示。如果 SiS_i 中的第 jj 个字符是 #,则表示在从顶部数第 ii 行和从左侧数第 jj 列的单元格中有一个磁铁;如果是 .,则表示该单元格为空。


  • 如果当前单元格的垂直或水平相邻单元格中有任何单元格包含磁铁,他就完全不能移动。
  • 否则,他可以移动到任何一个垂直或水平相邻的单元格。 然而,他不能离开网格。



以上为大语言模型 kimi 翻译,仅供参考。

Problem Statement

There is a grid of HH rows and WW columns. Some cells (possibly zero) contain magnets.
The state of the grid is represented by HH strings S1,S2,,SHS_1, S_2, \ldots, S_H of length WW. If the jj-th character of SiS_i is #, it indicates that there is a magnet in the cell at the ii-th row from the top and jj-th column from the left; if it is ., it indicates that the cell is empty.

Takahashi, wearing an iron armor, can move in the grid as follows:

  • If any of the cells vertically or horizontally adjacent to the current cell contains a magnet, he cannot move at all.
  • Otherwise, he can move to any one of the vertically or horizontally adjacent cells.
    However, he cannot exit the grid.

For each cell without a magnet, define its degree of freedom as the number of cells he can reach by repeatedly moving from that cell. Find the maximum degree of freedom among all cells without magnets in the grid.

Here, in the definition of degree of freedom, "cells he can reach by repeatedly moving" mean cells that can be reached from the initial cell by some sequence of moves (possibly zero moves). It is not necessary that there is a sequence of moves that visits all such reachable cells starting from the initial cell. Specifically, each cell itself (without a magnet) is always included in the cells reachable from that cell.


  • 1H,W10001 \leq H, W \leq 1000
  • HH and WW are integers.
  • SiS_i is a string of length WW consisting of . and #.
  • There is at least one cell without a magnet.


The input is given from Standard Input in the following format:







Print the maximum degree of freedom among all cells without magnets.

Sample Input 1

3 5

Sample Output 1


Let (i,j)(i,j) denote the cell at the ii-th row from the top and jj-th column from the left. If Takahashi starts at (2,3)(2,3), possible movements include:

  • (2,3)(2,4)(1,4)(1,5)(2,5)(2,3) \to (2,4) \to (1,4) \to (1,5) \to (2,5)
  • (2,3)(2,4)(3,4)(2,3) \to (2,4) \to (3,4)
  • (2,3)(2,2)(2,3) \to (2,2)
  • (2,3)(1,3)(2,3) \to (1,3)
  • (2,3)(3,3)(2,3) \to (3,3)

Thus, including the cells he passes through, he can reach at least nine cells from (2,3)(2,3).
Actually, no other cells can be reached, so the degree of freedom for (2,3)(2,3) is 99.

This is the maximum degree of freedom among all cells without magnets, so print 99.

Sample Input 2

3 3

Sample Output 2


For any cell without a magnet, there is a magnet in at least one of the adjacent cells.
Thus, he cannot move from any of these cells, so their degrees of freedom are 11.
Therefore, print 11.