#abc337e. E - Bad Juice

E - Bad Juice

Score: 425425 points


这是一个 交互式问题(一种通过标准输入和输出与裁判程序进行交互的题目类型)。

NN 瓶果汁,编号从 11NN。已知其中恰好有一瓶变质了。即使喝一小口变质的果汁,第二天也会导致胃部不适。

高桥需要在次日确定出变质的果汁是哪一瓶。为此,他决定召集 尽可能少的朋友数量,并给他们提供这 NN 瓶果汁中的若干瓶。他可以给每个朋友任意数量的瓶子,且每瓶果汁也可以分给任意数量的朋友。


以上为通义千问 qwen-max 翻译,仅供参考。

Problem Statement

This is an interactive problem (a type of problem where your program interacts with the judge program through Standard Input and Output).

There are NN bottles of juice, numbered 11 to NN. It has been discovered that exactly one of these bottles has gone bad. Even a small sip of the spoiled juice will cause stomach upset the next day.

Takahashi must identify the spoiled juice by the next day. To do this, he decides to call the minimum necessary number of friends and serve them some of the NN bottles of juice. He can give any number of bottles to each friend, and each bottle of juice can be given to any number of friends.

Print the number of friends to call and how to distribute the juice, then receive information on whether each friend has an upset stomach the next day, and print the spoiled bottle's number.


  • NN is an integer.
  • 2N1002 \leq N \leq 100


This is an interactive problem (a type of problem where your program interacts with the judge program through Standard Input and Output).

Before the interaction, the judge secretly selects an integer XX between 11 and NN as the spoiled bottle's number. The value of XX is not given to you. Also, the value of XX may change during the interaction as long as it is consistent with the constraints and previous outputs.

First, the judge will give you NN as input.


You should print the number of friends to call, MM, followed by a newline.


Next, you should perform the following procedure to print MM outputs. For i=1,2,,Mi = 1, 2, \ldots, M, the ii-th output should contain the number KiK_i of bottles of juice you will serve to the ii-th friend, and the KiK_i bottles' numbers in ascending order, Ai,1,Ai,2,,Ai,KiA_{i, 1}, A_{i, 2}, \ldots, A_{i, K_i}, separated by spaces, followed by a newline.

KiK_i Ai,1A_{i, 1} Ai,2A_{i, 2} \ldots Ai,KiA_{i, K_i}

Then, the judge will inform you whether each friend has a stomach upset the next day by giving you a string SS of length MM consisting of 0 and 1.


For i=1,2,,Mi = 1, 2, \ldots, M, the ii-th friend has a stomach upset if and only if the ii-th character of SS is 1.

You should respond by printing the number of the spoiled juice bottle XX', followed by a newline.


Then, terminate the program immediately.

If the MM you printed is the minimum necessary number of friends to identify the spoiled juice out of the NN bottles, and the XX' you printed matches the spoiled bottle's number XX, then your program is considered correct.


  • Each output should end with a newline and flushing Standard Output. Otherwise, you may receive a TLE verdict.
  • The verdict is indeterminate if your program prints an invalid output during the interaction or terminates prematurely. In particular, note that if a runtime error occurs during the execution of the program, the verdict may be WA or TLE instead of RE.
  • Terminate the program immediately after printing XX'. Otherwise, the verdict is indeterminate.
  • The judge for this problem is adaptive, meaning that the value of XX may change as long as it is consistent with the constraints and previous outputs.

Sample Input/Output

Below is an interaction with N=3N = 3.

3The number of bottles, $N$, is given.
2Print the number of friends to call, $M$.
2 1 2Serve juice $1$ and juice $2$ to the first friend.
1 2Serve juice $2$ to the second friend.
10The string $S$ is given, indicating whether each friend has a stomach upset the next day.
1Print the spoiled bottle's number.

update @ 2024/3/10 01:28:01