#abc314h. Ex - Disk and Segments

Ex - Disk and Segments

Score : 625625 points


在一个坐标平面上有 NN 条线段,第 ii 条线段(1iN1\leq i\leq N)的两个端点分别为 (ai,bi)(a_i,b_i)(ci,di)(c_i,d_i)。这里,每条线段都包含其端点。另外,没有两条线段共用一个点。


以上为通义千问 qwen-max 翻译,仅供参考。

Problem Statement

There are NN line segments in a coordinate plane, and the ii-th line segment (1iN)(1\leq i\leq N) has two points (ai,bi)(a _ i,b _ i) and (ci,di)(c _ i,d _ i) as its endpoints. Here, each line segment includes its endpoints. Additionally, no two line segments share a point.

We want to place a single closed disk in this plane so that it shares a point with each line segment. In other words, we want to draw a single circle so that each line segment shares a point with either the circumference of the circle or its interior (or both). Find the smallest possible radius of such a disk.


  • 2N1002\leq N\leq 100
  • $0\leq a _ i,b _ i,c _ i,d _ i\leq1000\ (1\leq i\leq N)$
  • (ai,bi)(ci,di) (1iN)(a _ i,b _ i)\neq(c _ i,d _ i)\ (1\leq i\leq N)
  • The ii-th and jj-th line segments do not share a point (1i<jN)(1\leq i\lt j\leq N).
  • All input values are integers.


The input is given from Standard Input in the following format:


a1a _ 1 b1b _ 1 c1c _ 1 d1d _ 1

a2a _ 2 b2b _ 2 c2c _ 2 d2d _ 2


aNa _ N bNb _ N cNc _ N dNd _ N


Print the answer in a single line. Your output will be considered correct when the absolute or relative error from the true value is at most 10510 ^ {−5}.

Sample Input 1

2 3 2 10
4 0 12 6
4 8 6 3
7 8 10 8

Sample Output 1


The given line segments are shown in the figure below. The closed disk shown in the figure, centered at $\left(\dfrac{32-\sqrt{115}}4,\dfrac{21-\sqrt{115}}2\right)$ with a radius of 241154\dfrac{24-\sqrt{115}}4, shares a point with all the line segments.

It is impossible to place a disk with a radius less than 241154\dfrac{24-\sqrt{115}}4 so that it shares a point with all the line segments, so the answer is 241154\dfrac{24-\sqrt{115}}4.

Your output will be considered correct if the absolute or relative error from the true value is at most 10510^{-5}, so outputs such as 3.31908 and 3.31902 would also be considered correct.

Sample Input 2

0 18 4 28
2 21 8 21
3 4 10 5
3 14 10 13
5 9 10 12
6 9 10 6
6 28 10 18
12 11 15 13
12 17 12 27
13 17 20 18
13 27 19 26
16 1 16 13
16 22 19 25
17 22 20 19
18 4 23 4
18 5 23 11
22 16 22 23
23 15 30 15
23 24 30 24
24 0 24 11

Sample Output 2


The closed disk shown in the figure, centered at $\left(\dfrac{19817-8\sqrt{5991922}}{18},\dfrac{-2305+\sqrt{5991922}}9\right)$ with a radius of 3757294420661818\dfrac{3757\sqrt{29}-44\sqrt{206618}}{18}, shares a point with all the line segments.

Sample Input 3

526 655 528 593
628 328 957 211
480 758 680 794
940 822 657 949
127 23 250 385
281 406 319 305
277 598 190 439
437 450 725 254
970 478 369 466
421 225 348 141
872 64 600 9
634 460 759 337
878 514 447 534
142 237 191 269
983 34 554 284
694 160 589 239
391 631 22 743
377 656 500 606
390 576 184 312
556 707 457 699
796 870 186 773
12 803 505 586
343 541 42 165
478 340 176 2
39 618 6 651
753 883 47 833
551 593 873 672
983 729 338 747
721 77 541 255
0 32 98 597

Sample Output 3


update @ 2024/3/10 08:59:57