#abc303g. G - Bags Game
G - Bags Game
Score : points
设有 个袋子排成一行。第 个袋子里装有 日元(日本货币)。
- 从以下三个动作中选择一个并执行:
- 选择最左边或最右边的袋子并拿走它。
- 向 Snuke 支付 日元。然后,重复以下动作 次(其中 是剩余袋子的数量):选择最左边或最右边的袋子并拿走它。
- 向 Snuke 支付 日元。然后,重复以下动作 次(其中 是剩余袋子的数量):选择最左边或最右边的袋子并拿走它。
当所有袋子都被拿走时,定义高桥的收益为“高桥拿走的袋子中的总金额 - 高桥支付给 Snuke 的总金额”;该金额记作 日元。类似地,我们定义青木的收益,并用 日元表示这个金额。
若高桥和青木分别采取最优策略以最大化和最小化 ,求 的值。
以上为通义千问 qwen-max 翻译,仅供参考。
Problem Statement
bags are arranged in a row. The -th bag contains yen (the currency in Japan).
Takahashi and Aoki, who have sufficient money, take alternating turns to perform the following action:
- choose one of the following three actions and perform it.
- choose the leftmost or rightmost bag and take it.
- pay yen to Snuke. Then, repeat the following action times (where is the number of the remaining bags): choose the leftmost or rightmost bag and take it.
- pay yen to Snuke. Then, repeat the following action times (where is the number of the remaining bags): choose the leftmost or rightmost bag and take it.
When all the bags are taken, Takahashi's benefit is defined by "(total amount of money in the bags that Takahashi took) - (total amount of money that Takahashi paid to snuke)"; let this amount be yen. We similarly define Aoki's benefit, denoting the amount by yen.
Find if Takahashi and Aoki make optimal moves to respectively maximize and minimize .
- All values in the input are integers.
The input is given from Standard Input in the following format:
Print the answer.
Sample Input 1
5 10 2 1000000000 1
1 100 1 1 1
Sample Output 1
If Takahashi and Aoki make optimal moves, it ends up being and .
Sample Input 2
10 45 3 55 4
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Sample Output 2
Sample Input 3
15 796265 10 165794055 1
18804175 185937909 1934689 18341 68370722 1653 1 2514380 31381214 905 754483 11 5877098 232 31600
Sample Output 3
update @ 2024/3/10 08:32:30