#abc290b. B - Qual B

B - Qual B

Score : 200200 points


在一场编程竞赛的资格赛中,共有 NN 名参赛者。所有参赛者的排名各不相同。

您将得到一个长度为 NN 的字符串 SS,表示参赛者是否愿意参加决赛。具体规则如下:

  • 如果字符串 SS 的第 ii 个字符是 o,则资格赛排名第 ii 的参赛者希望参加决赛;
  • 如果字符串 SS 的第 ii 个字符是 x,则资格赛排名第 ii 的参赛者不愿参加决赛。

在所有希望参加决赛的选手中,排名最小的 KK 位选手将晋级决赛。

请输出一个长度为 NN 的字符串 TT,满足以下条件:

  • 如果资格赛排名第 ii 的选手晋级决赛,则字符串 TT 的第 ii 个字符为 o
  • 如果资格赛排名第 ii 的选手未能晋级决赛,则字符串 TT 的第 ii 个字符为 x

以上为通义千问 qwen-max 翻译,仅供参考。

Problem Statement

There were NN contestants in the qualification round of a programming contest. All contestants got distinct ranks.
You are given a length-NN string SS, which represents whether the contestants want to participate in the final round or not. Specifically,

  • if the ii-th character of SS is o, the contestant ranked ii-th in the qualification wants to participate in the final;
  • if the ii-th character of SS is x, the contestant ranked ii-th in the qualification does not want to participate in the final.

Among those who want to participate in the final, KK contestants with the smallest ranks advance to the final.

Print a string TT of length NN that satisfies the following conditions:

  • if the contestant ranked ii-th in the qualification advances to the final, the ii-th character of TT is o;
  • if the contestant ranked ii-th in the qualification does not advance to the final, the ii-th character of TT is x.


  • NN and KK are integers.
  • 1KN1001 \le K \le N \le 100
  • SS is a string of length NN consisting of o and x.
  • SS has at least KK o's.


The input is given from Standard Input in the following format:




Print the answer.

Sample Input 1

10 3

Sample Output 1


In this input, N=10N=10 people took part in the qualification round, and K=3K=3 of them advance to the final.

  • The participant who ranked 11-st in the qualification wants to participate in the final, so the participant advances to the final. 11 participant has advanced so far.
  • The participants who ranked 22-nd and 33-rd in the qualification do not want to participate in the final, so the participants do not advance to the final.
  • The participant who ranked 44-th in the qualification wants to participate in the final, so the participant advances to the final. 22 participants have advanced so far.
  • The participants who ranked 55-th in the qualification does not want to participate in the final, so the participant does not advance to the final.
  • The participant who ranked 66-th in the qualification wants to participate in the final, so the participant advances to the final. 33 participants have advanced so far.
  • Now that 33 people have advanced to the final, no participants ranked 77-th or lower advance to the final.

update @ 2024/3/10 12:06:32