#abc281h. Ex - Alchemy

Ex - Alchemy

Score : 600600 points


Takahashi 拥有 AA 种类型的等级为 11 的宝石,每种各有 101010010^{10^{100}} 颗。
对于大于等于 22 的整数 nn,他可以将满足以下所有条件的 nn 颗宝石放入炼金釜中,以换取一颗等级为 nn 的宝石。

  • 没有两颗宝石是同一种类。
  • 每颗宝石的等级都小于 nn
  • 对于每个大于等于 22 的整数 xx,最多只有一颗等级为 xx 的宝石。

求 Takahashi 可以获得的不同种类的等级为 NN 的宝石的数量,结果对 998244353998244353 取模。

这里,任意两颗等级为 22 或更高的宝石被认为是同一种类,当且仅当它们是由同一组宝石生成的。

  • 两组宝石被区分,当且仅当其中一组存在至少一颗宝石,而另一组不存在同类宝石。

任何等级为 11 的宝石和任何等级为 22 或更高的宝石都被认为是不同种类的。

以上为通义千问 qwen-max 翻译,仅供参考。

Problem Statement

Takahashi has AA kinds of level-11 gems, and 101010010^{10^{100}} gems of each of those kinds.
For an integer nn greater than or equal to 22, he can put nn gems that satisfy all of the following conditions into a cauldron to generate a level-nn gem in return.

  • No two gems are of the same kind.
  • Every gem's level is less than nn.
  • For every integer xx greater than or equal to 22, there is at most one level-xx gem.

Find the number of kinds of level-NN gems that Takahashi can obtain, modulo 998244353998244353.

Here, two level-22 or higher gems are considered to be of the same kind if and only if they are generated from the same set of gems.

  • Two sets of gems are distinguished if and only if there is a gem in one of those sets such that the other set does not contain a gem of the same kind.

Any level-11 gem and any level-22 or higher gem are of different kinds.


  • 1N2×1051 \leq N \leq 2 \times 10^5
  • 1A1091 \leq A \leq 10^9
  • NN and AA are integers.


The input is given from Standard Input in the following format:



Print the answer.

Sample Input 1

3 3

Sample Output 1


Here are ten ways to obtain a level-33 gem.

  • Put three kinds of level-11 gems into the cauldron.
    • Takahashi has three kinds of level-11 gems, so there is one way to choose three kinds of level-11 gems. Thus, he can obtain one kind of level-33 gem in this way.
  • Put one kind of level-22 gem and two kinds of level-11 gems into the cauldron.
    • A level-22 gem can be obtained by putting two kinds of level-11 gems into the cauldron.
      • Takahashi has three kinds of level-11 gems, so there are three ways to choose two kinds of level-11 gems. Thus, three kinds of level-22 gems are available here.
    • There are three kinds of level-22 gems, and three ways to choose two kinds of level-11 gems, so he can obtain 3×3=93 \times 3 = 9 kinds of level-33 gems in this way.

Sample Input 2

1 100

Sample Output 2


Sample Input 3

200000 1000000000

Sample Output 3


update @ 2024/3/10 11:49:20