#abc270b. B - Hammer
B - Hammer
Score : points
高桥位于数轴的原点处。他想要到达坐标为 的目标位置。
在坐标为 的位置有一堵墙,起初高桥无法越过这堵墙。
然而,在获取了坐标为 的一把锤子后,他可以摧毁这堵墙并穿过。
以上为通义千问 qwen-max 翻译,仅供参考。
Problem Statement
Takahashi is at the origin of a number line. He wants to reach a goal at coordinate .
There is a wall at coordinate , which Takahashi cannot go beyond at first.
However, after picking up a hammer at coordinate , he can destroy that wall and pass through.
Determine whether Takahashi can reach the goal. If he can, find the minimum total distance he needs to travel to do so.
- , , and are distinct, and none of them is .
- All values in the input are integers.
The input is given from Standard Input in the following format:
If Takahashi can reach the goal, print the minimum total distance he needs to travel to do so. If he cannot, print -1
Sample Input 1
10 -10 1
Sample Output 1
Takahashi can go straight to the goal.
Sample Input 2
20 10 -10
Sample Output 2
The goal is beyond the wall. He can get there by first picking up the hammer and then destroying the wall.
Sample Input 3
100 1 1000
Sample Output 3
update @ 2024/3/10 11:22:52