#abc269e. E - Last Rook

E - Last Rook

Score : 500500 points



我们有一个 NN×NN 的棋盘和 NN 个车。以下面的方式表示棋盘上从上到下第 ii 行、从左到右第 jj 列的格子:(i,j)(i, j)


  • 没有行包含两个或更多的车。
  • 没有列包含两个或更多的车。

现在,已经有 N1N-1 个车按照上述条件被放置在棋盘上。您需要选择一个没有被车占据的格子,并在该格子上放置一个车。(可以证明,在这些条件下至少存在一个可放置车的格子。)


  • 您可以选择整数 AABBCCDD,使得 1ABN1 \leq A \leq B \leq N1CDN1 \leq C \leq D \leq N,然后询问在由格子 (i,j)(i, j) 形成的矩形区域内车的数量,其中满足 AiBA \leq i \leq BCjDC \leq j \leq D

使用这种方式最多提问不超过 2020 次,找到并确定一个放置车的格子。

以上为通义千问 qwen-max 翻译,仅供参考。

Problem Statement

This is an interactive task (where your program interacts with the judge's program via input and output).

We have an NN-by-NN chessboard and NN rooks. Below, the square at the ii-th row from the top and jj-th column from the left is denoted by (i,j)(i, j).
Consider placing the rooks on squares of the chessboard. Here, you have to place the rooks so that all of the following conditions are satisfied.

  • No row contains two or more rooks.
  • No column contains two or more rooks.

Now, N1N-1 rooks are placed on the chessboard so that all of the above conditions are satisfied. You will choose a square that is not occupied by a rook and place a rook on that square. (It can be proved that there is at least one square on which a rook can be placed under the conditions.)

However, you cannot directly see which squares of the chessboard are occupied by a rook.
Instead, you may ask at most 2020 questions to the judge in the following manner.

  • You choose integers AA, BB, CC, and DD such that 1ABN,1CDN1 \leq A \leq B \leq N, 1 \leq C \leq D \leq N, and ask the number of rooks in the rectangular region formed by the squares (i,j)(i, j) such that AiB,CjDA \leq i \leq B, C \leq j \leq D.

Find a square to place a rook.


  • 2N1032 \leq N \leq 10^3
  • NN is an integer.

Input and Output

This is an interactive task (where your program interacts with the judge's program via input and output).

First, receive the size of the chessboard, NN, from Standard Input.


Next, repeat asking a question until you find a square to place a rook.

A question should be printed to Standard Output in the following format:


The response will be given from Standard Input in the following format:


Here, TT is the response to the question, or -1 if the question is invalid or more than 2020 questions have been asked.

When the judge returns -1, the submission is already regarded as incorrect. In this case, terminate the program immediately.

When you find a square to place a rook, let (X,Y)(X, Y) be that square and print an answer in the following format. Then, terminate the program immediately.

!! XX YY

If there are multiple appropriate answers, any of them will be accepted.


  • Each time you print something, end it with a newline and then flush Standard Output. Otherwise, you may get a TLE verdict.
  • If an invalid output is printed during the interaction, the verdict will be indeterminate.
  • Terminate the program immediately after printing an answer. Otherwise, the verdict will be indeterminate.

Sample Interaction

Below is an interaction where N=3N=3 and the rooks are placed on (1,2)(1, 2) and (2,1)(2, 1).

3Judge first gives the integer $N$.
? 1 2 1 3Participant asks a question with $(A,B,C,D)=(1,2,1,3)$.
2Judge returns the answer to the question, which is $2$.
? 2 3 1 1Participant asks a question with $(A,B,C,D)=(2,3,1,1)$.
1Judge returns the answer to the question, which is $1$.
? 1 3 3 3Participant asks a question with $(A,B,C,D)=(1,3,3,3)$.
0Judge returns the answer to the question, which is $0$.
! 3 3Participant finds the answer to be $(3, 3)$ and prints it.

update @ 2024/3/10 11:21:43