#abc224g. G - Roll or Increment
G - Roll or Increment
Score : points
我们有一个 面骰子,每个面分别显示从 到 的整数,并且出现每个整数的概率相等。
当骰子顶部朝上的面显示整数 时,我们称骰子当前显示的值为 。
最初,骰子显示的整数为 。
- 支付 日元(日本货币)以“增加”骰子上显示的数值,即当骰子当前显示 时,重新放置它使其显示 。但当骰子显示 时,不能进行此操作。
- 支付 日元来重掷骰子,之后骰子将以相等的概率显示 到 之间的某个整数。
从初始状态下骰子显示 开始,考虑使其最终显示 。
以上为通义千问 qwen-max 翻译,仅供参考。
Problem Statement
We have a -face die (singular of dice) that shows integers from through with equal probability.
Below, the die is said to be showing an integer when it is placed so that the top face is the face with the integer .
Initially, the die shows the integer .
You can do the following two operations on this die any number (possibly zero) of times in any order.
- Pay yen (the Japanese currency) to "increase" the value shown by the die by , that is, reposition it to show when it currently shows . This operation cannot be done when the die shows .
- Pay yen to recast the die, after which it will show an integer between and with equal probability.
Consider making the die show from the initial state where it shows .
Print the minimum expected value of the cost required to do so when the optimal strategy is used to minimize this expected value.
- All values in input are integers.
Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:
Print the answer. Your output will be considered correct when its absolute or relative error is at most .
Sample Input 1
5 2 4 10 4
Sample Output 1
When the optimal strategy is used to minimize the expected cost, it will be yen.
Sample Input 2
10 6 6 1 2
Sample Output 2
The die already shows in the initial state, which means no operation is needed.
Sample Input 3
1000000000 1000000000 1 1000000000 1000000000
Sample Output 3
Your output will be considered correct when its absolute or relative error is at most .
update @ 2024/3/10 09:52:18