#abc217a. A - Lexicographic Order

A - Lexicographic Order

Score : 100100 points


你将获得两个不同的字符串 SSTT
SS 在字典序上小于 TT,则输出 Yes;否则,输出 No


简单来说,字典序就是单词在字典中排列的顺序。更形式化的定义是,以下是确定不同字符串 SSTT 之间的字典序的算法。

以下,用 SiS_i 表示 SS 的第 ii 个字符。另外,如果 SS 字典序上小于 TT,我们记为 S<TS \lt T;如果 SS 字典序上大于 TT,我们记为 S>TS \gt T

  1. LLSSTT 长度中的较小值。对于每个 i=1,2,,Li=1,2,\dots,L,检查 SiS_iTiT_i 是否相同。
  2. 如果存在某个 ii 使得 SiTiS_i \neq T_i,令 jj 为满足条件的最小 ii 值。然后比较 SjS_jTjT_j。若 SjS_j 在字母表顺序上早于 TjT_j,则确定 S<TS \lt T 并结束比较;若 SjS_j 晚于 TjT_j,则确定 S>TS \gt T 并结束比较。
  3. 如果不存在使 SiTiS_i \neq T_iii,则比较 SSTT 的长度。若 SSTT 短,则确定 S<TS \lt T 并结束比较;若 SSTT 长,则确定 S>TS \gt T 并结束比较。


以上为通义千问 qwen-max 翻译,仅供参考。

Problem Statement

You are given two different strings SS and TT.
If SS is lexicographically smaller than TT, print Yes; otherwise, print No.

What is the lexicographical order?

Simply speaking, the lexicographical order is the order in which words are listed in a dictionary. As a more formal definition, here is the algorithm to determine the lexicographical order between different strings SS and TT.

Below, let SiS_i denote the ii-th character of SS. Also, if SS is lexicographically smaller than TT, we will denote that fact as S<TS \lt T; if SS is lexicographically larger than TT, we will denote that fact as S>TS \gt T.

  1. Let LL be the smaller of the lengths of SS and TT. For each i=1,2,,Li=1,2,\dots,L, we check whether SiS_i and TiT_i are the same.
  2. If there is an ii such that SiTiS_i \neq T_i, let jj be the smallest such ii. Then, we compare SjS_j and TjT_j. If SjS_j comes earlier than TjT_j in alphabetical order, we determine that S<TS \lt T and quit; if SjS_j comes later than TjT_j, we determine that S>TS \gt T and quit.
  3. If there is no ii such that SiTiS_i \neq T_i, we compare the lengths of SS and TT. If SS is shorter than TT, we determine that S<TS \lt T and quit; if SS is longer than TT, we determine that S>TS \gt T and quit.

Note that many major programming languages implement lexicographical comparison of strings as operators or functions in standard libraries. For more detail, see your language's reference.


  • SS and TT are different strings, each of which consists of lowercase English letters and has a length of between 11 and 1010 (inclusive).


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:



If SS is lexicographically smaller than TT, print Yes; otherwise, print No.

Sample Input 1

abc atcoder

Sample Output 1


abc and atcoder begin with the same character, but their second characters are different. Since b comes earlier than t in alphabetical order, we can see that abc is lexicographically smaller than atcoder.

Sample Input 2

arc agc

Sample Output 2


Sample Input 3

a aa

Sample Output 3


update @ 2024/3/10 09:36:22