#abc213e. E - Stronger Takahashi
E - Stronger Takahashi
Score : points
有一个城镇被划分为一个 行和 列的网格。若第 行(从上数)、第 列(从左数)处的单元格记为 ,当 为.
时,表示这是一个可通行的空间;当 为#
高桥可以向上、下、左、右移动一个单元格到达一个可通行的区域。他不能离开城镇范围,并且也不能进入障碍物所在单元格。然而,他的体力允许他用一拳摧毁任意选择的一个 单元格大小的正方形区域内的所有障碍物,使得这些单元格变为可通行。
以上为通义千问 qwen-max 翻译,仅供参考。
Problem Statement
There is a town divided into a grid of cells with rows and columns. The cell at the -th row from the top and -th column from the left is a passable space if is .
and a block if is #
Takahashi will go from his house to a fish market. His house is in the cell at the top-left corner, and the fish market is in the cell at the bottom-right corner.
Takahashi can move one cell up, down, left, or right to a passable cell. He cannot leave the town. He cannot enter a block, either. However, his physical strength allows him to destroy all blocks in a square region with cells of his choice with one punch, making these cells passable.
Find the minimum number of punches needed for Takahashi to reach the fish market.
- and are integers.
- is
. - and are
Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:
Print the answer.
Sample Input 1
5 5
Sample Output 1
He can reach the fish market by, for example, destroying the blocks in the square region with cells marked *
It is not required that all of the $2\times 2$ cells in the region to punch are blocks.
## Sample Input 2
5 7 ....... ######. ....... .###### .......
## Sample Output 2
He can reach the fish market without destroying blocks, though he has to go a long way around.
## Sample Input 3
8 8 .####### ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## #######.
## Sample Output 3
update @ 2024/3/10 09:29:53