#abc184e. E - Third Avenue

E - Third Avenue

Score : 500500 points


有一个城镇,表示为一个二维网格,有 HH 行水平行和 WW 列垂直列。 一个字符 ai,ja_{i,j} 描述了从顶部数第 ii 行和从左边数第 jj 列的正方形。在这里,ai,ja_{i,j} 是以下之一:SG.#a,...,z# 表示一个不能进入的正方形,而 a,...,z 表示有传送门的正方形。

高桥最初在表示为 S 的正方形。在每一秒钟,他将进行以下移动之一:

  • 移动到当前位置水平或垂直相邻的非 # 方块。
  • 选择一个与当前位置相同字符的正方形,并传送到那个正方形。只有当他在一个表示为 a,...,或 z 的正方形时,他才能使用这个移动。

找出高桥从表示为 S 的正方形到达表示为 G 的正方形所需的最短时间。 如果目的地无法到达,请报告 -1

以上为大语言模型 kimi 翻译,仅供参考。

Problem Statement

There is a town represented as a two-dimensional grid with HH horizontal rows and WW vertical columns.
A character ai,ja_{i,j} describes the square at the ii-th row from the top and jj-th column from the left. Here, ai,ja_{i,j} is one of the following: S , G , . , # , a, ..., and z.
# represents a square that cannot be entered, and a, ..., z represent squares with teleporters.

Takahashi is initially at the square represented as S. In each second, he will make one of the following moves:

  • Go to a non-# square that is horizontally or vertically adjacent to his current position.
  • Choose a square with the same character as that of his current position, and teleport to that square. He can only use this move when he is at a square represented as a, ..., or z.

Find the shortest time Takahashi needs to reach the square represented as G from the one represented as S.
If the destination is unreachable, report -1 instead.


  • 1H,W20001 \le H, W \le 2000
  • ai,ja_{i,j} is S, G, ., #, or a lowercase English letter.
  • There is exactly one square represented as S and one square represented as G.


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:


a1,1a1,Wa_{1,1}\dots a_{1,W}


aH,1aH,Wa_{H,1}\dots a_{H,W}


Print the shortest time Takahashi needs to reach the square represented as G from the one represented as S.
If the destination is unreachable from the initial position, print -1 instead.

Sample Input 1

2 5

Sample Output 1


Let (i,j)(i, j) denote the square at the ii-th row from the top and jj-th column from the left.
Initially, Takahashi is at (1,1)(1, 1). One way to reach (2,5)(2, 5) in four seconds is:

  • go from (1,1)(1, 1) to (2,1)(2, 1);
  • teleport from (2,1)(2, 1) to (2,3)(2, 3), which is also an a square;
  • go from (2,3)(2, 3) to (2,4)(2, 4);
  • go from (2,4)(2, 4) to (2,5)(2, 5).

Sample Input 2

11 11

Sample Output 2


Sample Input 3

11 11

Sample Output 3
